• Гадаад хот хотоос бүс нутгуудад хүргэлт боломжтой
  • 3 6сарын 2024, дугаар: 3894

Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max 1TB Blue Titanium

1 000$
Марк: Apple 
Байдал: Шинэ 
Manual, USB C to USB C cable, Sim needle
Now for $ 1100 including shipping and 2 year warranty!
With the Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max 1TB Blue Titanium, you get a large and powerful iPhone that always takes sharp photos. Thanks to the fast A17 Pro chip, you can play your favorite 3D games without stuttering and edit heavy files very quickly
Contact me on my telegram handle: @antoniosilas
INSTANT SKYPE chat : live:.cid.87bb21618a4c9989
Email : sales.antoniosilas@proton.me
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