Things to consider when registering on the site

When registering on the site for the first time, please select and enter your e-mail address and password. In this way, a confirmation message will be sent to your registered E-MAIL address. By clicking on this message, you will be verified, log in to the site, and your personal corner will open. You will definitely receive the message, so please check the spam section of your e-mail address. If you receive an email with an inactive link, copy the link, paste it into your new site search bar, and press enter. This will activate the link. One-time, non-frequently used e-mail addresses are prohibited. Instead of your registered e-mail address and phone number, it will become your main account. actions such as charging the site account will take place.


 Registrations without ads will not be saved, so please register and post your ads. 

 Or you can register again and log in later.